Meet our Ambassadors

Ambassadors spread our brand across the world by hosting and attending community events, testing new products, and providing feedback on how we can improve as a company.


Mario Parra

New York, New York


Mario skated in high school and started longboarding in early 2016 before he co-founded NYC Eboarding. He organizes rides, events, and manages the group’s website. Mario rides a Boosted v2/Stealth/Mini X, Mellow on a Loaded Motherboard, Raptor 2, and several long/shortboards. He uses ShredLights to be seen by cars and to light up dark backstreets.


Brandon Levy

Chicago, Illinois


Brandon joined the E-Skate scene in 2018 after longboarding for years. Shortly after, he created the community Instagram page BoostedChicago, where he loves creating content and getting people out to group rides throughout the city. Brandon uses ShredLights to be seen as he flies through the dense concrete jungle and avoids those nasty Chicago potholes!


Chris Muenzer

Redmond, Washington


Chris came to electric skateboarding from surfing and has been riding since 2016. He commutes daily and will use any excuse to ride. Chris organizes the PNW esk8 Collective, esk8 races, and group rides all around Seattle! Chris uses Shredlights to be seen, late night belt changes, and to light the way along the miles of pristine trails through Puget Sound! If you are in the Seattle area hit Chris up for a ride; he said he's always down to shred!


Gabriel Gonzales

Colorado Springs, Colorado


Gabriel just loves to skate, plain and simple. You can find him commuting around town on his board, sessioning spots during free rides, and high speed racing whenever he can. He says, "Nothing beats a good night ride. ShredLights have taken me on some of the best adventures of my life, and I love spreading the stoke of the brand and the whole ESK8 movement."


Joe Dubya

San Diego, California


Joe has been skating for 27 years and first rode an electric skateboard in 2014. He rides by the beach frequently and hosts group rides all over San Diego, but his favorite place to ride is Mission Bay. Joe uses Shredlights to be seen by cars while riding at night and for night rides in cities all around the world.


Brandon Yu

New York, New York


As the original founder of Rutgers Electric Skateboarding and, now, member of NYC Eboarding, Brandon rides hard and fast on anything from a Boosted Board to a Onewheel. His riding skills and experience allows him to create unique videos and reviews for his social media. With the help of his Shredlights, Brandon can continue to shred and get his shots even after the sun sets.


Sophia Tung

San Francisco, California


Sophia started riding electric skateboards in 2014 and now co-admins Bay Area Esk8, one of the largest personal electric vehicle enthusiast groups in the entire United States. You can find her on weekly Saturday group rides that go throughout downtown SF up to the. Sophia uses Shredlights and the strap clip to light up the road when night skating.


Jonathan Hall

Washington, D.C.


Jonathan comes from a snowboarding background and has been riding motorized skateboards since they were gas powered in the early 2000's. 19 years later he's still riding, just electric powered boards instead of gas powered. Jonathan started DCESK8 over 2 years ago and hosts weekly rides and major events in Washington, DC. He uses his ShredLights to lead night rides through the city, late night dog walks or weekend camping trips.


Obediah O'Connor

Minneapolis, Minnesota


After contemplating purchasing a regular long board, Obediah won his first Boosted board through an Instagram giveaway. With the help of a few locals, Boosted Board Riders was created and welcomed all e-boarders from the tundras of MN. During monthly meetups, ShredLights have played an integral roll in keeping their group rides shredding long into the night!


Scot Mendenhall

Maple Grove, Minnesota


Scot lives in the frozen tundra of Minnesota and uses his Onewheel’s to float across snow and ice in freezing temperatures. Christmas 2019 brought Onewheel’s to six of Scot’s kids so they could join him on rides. The only downside to Minnesota is the hours of darkness in the winter and Scot uses ShredLights to see and be seen while riding on the road and local trails.


Jesse Giampaolo

West Lafayette, Indiana


Jesse made the switch to electric skateboarding at college in 2018 after years of riding a longboard. She uses her Boosted Plus daily to commute to campus and even to the Purdue University airport. When she's not in class, she can be caught riding at one of the weekly campus group rides. Jesse uses her ShredLights to light up Purdue on night rides and to get home from campus after those late nights study sessions.


Patrick Phillips

Atlanta, Georgia


Patrick got into electric skateboarding when his son asked for a board and he bought two so they could ride together. He quickly became immersed in the Atlanta esk8 community and now his whole family rides together. Him and his family use ShredLights to see and be seen while riding after his son was nearly hit by a bicyclist while riding on a local trail in the dark.


Penh Alicandro

St. Petersburg, Florida


Penh has been into boardsports for about 8 years now, but got into electric longboards when he began college. He uses his board to get around Eckerd College day and night. His ShredLights, equipped on his Boosted Board V2 Dual, help him be seen to pedestrians and cars as well as avoids bumps and cracks. His favorite spot to ride is downtown St. Petersburg, Florida late at night.


Matt Rody

Dallas, Texas


Matt got into skating on the gulf coast of Texas in college. He loved surfing but quickly got more into skating. He started TXLongboarders to meet skaters and host events and races. As a photographer and videographer, he always brings his camera to capture his team skaters and help promote the sport! He uses his ShredLights to lead the night group rides through Dallas and for filming pack runs in parking garages.


Jay Detol



Jay has been riding electric skateboards since 2018 and switches off between a Meepo, Blackcarve, and Boosted V2. He’s also a tattoo artist and digital artist so he frequently customizes his gear to fit his style. He mainly rides at night and uses ShredLights to light up eneven terrain and to be seen on the road.


Joshua Villacastin

Chicago, Illinois


Joshua began electric skateboarding in the summer of 2019. After experiencing the thrill of riding with Chicago E-Skate, he started filming YouTube content to help bring more interest to the scene. He rides a Boosted Stealth, Evolve GTR, and Onewheel XR. Joshua uses Shredlights to illuminate the dim streets of Chicago and safely film during night riding sessions.


Lisa Habib

San Diego


Lisa has been skating since 2011, and got introduced to the electric skateboard community in 2018. She loves making creative content and fun video clips. Her favorite place to skate is anywhere close to the ocean. She’s here to remind everyone that girls can skate and enjoy this sport. She loves using shredlights in her videos, she says “it makes the the board pop!”


Bryant Garcia

Washington D.C.

Bryant has been skating since the age of 9 and found the electric skateboard community in Washington D.C. after coming to the city for work. He soon got his first electric skateboard and joined the rides. As a creative artist, he uses ShredLights to put a unique twist on his work.


Mickey Micklos

New York City


Mickey joined the Electric unicycle scene in 2016 after longboarding for years & just needing a better way to commute around NYC. In 2019 Mickey decided to take his talents in the film industry, and dive head first into creating the highest quality PEV content on youtube. Mickey uses Shred Lights to be seen as he flies through the streets of NYC at 40mph when visibility is key.


Kevin Grandon

San Francisco


Kevin began riding PEVs when searching for a good way to get around town. After riding electric unicycles for several years he started producing content and promoting electric vehicles on YouTube. He uses ShredLights on a variety of electric vehicles so he can ride safely at night. Subscribe and let's ride!



New York City


James and Julien wanted to get an electric skateboard, but couldn’t afford it so they built their own. A year later they started filming the building process for a YouTube channel, DIY esk8 Builders, to show others how to make boards. In Portland it gets dark in the winter very early so they use Shredlights to light the way on night rides.


Melanie Sanders

Charleston, SC


Melanie found electric skateboarding in 2018 from creators like Sara Dietchy, John Hill, and Casey Neistat. It wasn't too long after that she purchased her own. You'll typically find Melamie riding in downtown Charleston, CofC campus, or on the local trails. As a member of the CHSEsk8 group, I'm always down for a shred session. I use my shredlights for getting to/from campus daily and for the occasional late-night solo rides.


Joanna Shields

Oceanside, CA


Joanna has been skateboarding since 2004 and started E-skating in 2018. Since then, she has become an ambassador for Evolve skateboards and love to share my passion for Esk8 with anyone that will listen! Shredlights keep her safe while commuting on the roads after dark and charging it at top speeds as she often likes to ride at!


Thomas Pagut

New York City


Tom started longboarding in 2007 during his senior year in high school. He bought his first electric longboard in 2017 and has been heavily involved with hosting group rides and demo events with the NYC EBoarding Collective ever since. Tom was the NYC Boosted Ambassador, but he now works with Evolve as the NYC Ambassador. Tom relies on Shredlights for everything from his daily work commute to all-night group rides.


Sean Gray



Sean has been riding eboards for nearly three years. Sean seeks out the perfectly smooth strips of road in the city while also searching for long dirt roads in the mountains. His Shredlights have saved him from being hit by cars through the city streets of Denver, and fully illuminate the mountain trails in Oregon during his off-road rides.


Javier Starks

Washtington D.C.


DC's own, the "OneWheelWing" (also known as Javier Starks) is notorious for "clocking miles" on his OneWheel XR. In less than a year he racked up over 13,500 He's set a personal record of 132 miles in a day, using just his hypercharger and a ton of dedication. For the Wing, the goal is just to spread good vibes and stay fly. ShredLights illuminate the view.


Davis Williams

San Diego


Davis got into esk8ing from street, ramp, and longboard skating. He rides a 26" Miles board through the streets of Pacific Beach, Gaslamp and many more spots around San Diego. He’s shred-lit up from head to toe at night so he can be seen and see obstacles in these busy streets. Davis is a musician too and loves making music for content.


Mahyar Saeedi

Vancouver, Canada


Mahyar loved to snowboard and longboard growing up in Vancouver. He purchased his first electric skateboard in 2017 and fell in love. He began hosting group rides and created the Vancouver ESK8. to connect with other riders in his local community. He enjoys making group ride videos and product reviews on his Youtube Channel. Mahyar uses ShredLights to keep him safe while he's filming those epic Vancouver night rides!


Matthias Leute

Aachen, Germany


Matthias Leute is an electric skateboard racer born in Germany who loves to compete in the World Cup and shred everywhere he can. He uses ShredLights for riding home late from work and exploring the forrest on his Evolve, and says they are one of the most essential items he uses every day.


Tim Wood

London, United Kingdom


Tim got in to electric skateboards after seeing Boosted riders in the streets of New York. After buying a starter board he fell in love and upgraded to the Evolve Carbon GT. He soon became an Evolve UK Ambassador and organized rides around London for local eskaters and also helps to run the UK rideables group, Carve Electric. He uses Shredlights to stay safe and visible on night rides around the busy London city streets.


Arnau Rectoret

Barcelona, Spain


Arnau is the guy ripping the streets that you will never see, because he is always behind the camera. He was a longtime skater before getting into electric skateboarding so he could carve down and up hills. He helped create the esk8 group in Barcelona and frequently hosts group rides in Spain. He uses ShredLights for his safety and because he likes the way his board looks with them.


Pierre Samolany

Paris, France


Pierre, AKA Samo, is an active member of the esk8 scene in France and Europe. He first rode an electric skateboard in 2013 after years of shredding the local parks and hills. He's also an esk8 racer and won the first Evolve world cup in 2016. He loves to show his esk8 community the best places to ride in Paris, and Shredlights are as important as a helmet to feel safe on any roads..


Beata Suszyńska

Radom, Poland


Beata is an esk8er from Poland that got her first Evolve board in 2018, and also trains pole and aerial gymnastics. She fell in love with esk8 from the first ride and now she rides everywhere and anytime, but forest rides are her favorite. For Beata, the most important things for riding are a helmet and good lights so Shredlights are a must have for night rides.


Pierre linckenheld

Paris, France


Starting as a snowboarder, Pierre quickly attracted the attention of Freebord as he posted more riding videos. He eventually became a Freebord team rider and still rides for them. He loves to snowboard, make videos, and spend time with his son. He uses Shredlights to light up his videos at night for freebording and snowboarding.


Antoine Marpaux



Antoine has been snowboarding for years and during a 2013 drought he searched for something to fill the void. He found the Evolve Carbon GT and soon after fell in love with esk8ing. He raced in the 2016 World Cup and has since become an ambassador for Evolve France. His favorite place to ride is in the mountains and Shredlights allow him to ride any time he wants.


Vincenzo Gomez

Hamburg, Germany


Vincenzo has used his normal skateboard to get around Germany since 1998, but got his first electric skateboard in 2015. Since then, he’s ridden nearly every board on the market and helped esk8 companies by providing feedback and offering networking within the community. He loves to ride high speed and uses ShredLights to utilize the empty roads at night.


Ignacio Pastor



Ignacio is our youngest ambassador in Spain and has been riding electric skateboards for 3 years. He helps organize group rides and events around Madrid and Spain and loves shooting photos and videos of the rides. He uses ShredLights for getting around the city at night and seeing terrain on the road.


Denis Veprev



Denis started as a rollerblader but made the jump to the esk8 world after getting a taste of the electric power and the sense of freedom it brings. Denis helped create the esk8 community in Barcelona and frequently works on organizing rides, demo days to introduce new people to e-skates, filming promos and reviews for his YouTube channel. He uses ShredLights to stay safe, visible and sometimes, as an improvised light to illuminate the products in his videos..


Lee Wright

United Kingdom


Lee is an esk8 youtuber and community leader based in the UK. Lee primarily likes to build electric skateboards on his channel as well as product reviews and ride videos on his electric mountainboard. He is the founding member of the most active group of riders (Carve UK) and likes to support the community with help and advice where he can. Lee uses shredlights to light the way in the forest trails!


Tyler Black

Texas Tech


Tyler paved the way for university esk8 clubs and was the first club to be sponsored by ShredLights. Since then, he has helped get his club officially recognized by Texas Tech and expanded the group. Tyler uses ShredLights for late night group rides around campus and for getting home from classes late at night.


Wesley Walmsley

University of Nevada, Reno


Wesley got his Boosted V2 in 2017, as a way to navigate his UNR's vast and hilly campus. Since then, he has founded RenoEsk8, organizing events and group rides to bring together the Esk8 community in Reno and Tahoe. He has a Boosted V2 and Mini X, but has ridden most of the boards on the market. Wesley uses Shredlights to see and be seen while riding at night!


Lucas Belknap

University of Tennessee-knoxville


In the first semester of college, Lucas got his first board and immediately fell in love. His love of shredding later turned into an obsession of modifying, repairing, and fine-tuning his board to give the maximum performance possible. In 2019 he started ESk8 Knoxville on the University of Tennessee-Knoxville campus. Lucas uses his 'pocket suns' (ShredLights) to light up group pictures, find his keys, and most importantly, light up the night!


William Cooley

Clemson University


Will started skating to get around Clemson's campus faster, but it wasn't long before he found himself out with roommates sliding downhills or jumping stairs. Will started his skateboarding club, Clemson Boards, in October 2019 for late-night downhill rides and trail rides on the weekends. Will's favorite thing about Shredlights is their sticky mount that can mount to his Freebord and allow him to slide downhill late into the night.


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